When you want a gold recovery pump diaphragm to last nearly forever you use a base material that is both flexible and tough.
That is the thinking behind the "Everlast Gold Pump Nitrile Diaphragm". Of course saying it is one thing,
however, being able to cut or machine out exactly sized pieces is another. But, where there is a will there is a way. I offer you top quality, nearly indestructible reinforced nitrile pump diaphragms.
These diaphragms come in two sizes. 3" to fit the Gold Recovery Pump or the Magnum Gold Hornet Suction Pump or 2" to fit the Gold Hornet Suction Pump base precisely.
They will never rust.
They are rust proof.
They are flexible - even in cold temperatures and gold does hide in cold water.
They are almost indestructible.
Their operation is quiet.
They move in water like a !@*!^
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